FCE speaking tips

Dealing with Part 2 and Part 3 of the Speaking Paper, how to avoid the most common mistakes and how to get top marks …..
In Part 2 (responding to pictures) candidates tend to simply compare and contrast the pictures without listening to all parts of the task. The second part of the task usually begins ‘and say what/why/how ….. , so try not to forget that part as well!
A similar problem in Part 3 (doing a task with your partner) is not carrying out the task fully. (If you haven’t understood what you are supposed to discuss then you may ask the examiner to repeat his/her instructions.) To get top marks in this section you need to be able to do the following things:
– take a full part in the discussion
– express your own opinions clearly
– listen to your partner’s opinions and develop their comments
– disagree with your partner (where necessary) in a friendly and polite manner
Above all, try and enjoy the Speaking Paper. It’s your chance to show the examiners how well you can communicate in English!
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