Categoría: Interesting
  • 12 de septiembre de 2013
    I completely understand Chuck Norris! If you don't want to angry Chuck, we are here to help you!  We are offering intensive courses…
  • 7 de agosto de 2013
    ENGLISH CHALLENGE I saw a great TED by Matt Cutts called Try something new for 30 days and I thought I'll share with you. Now the…
  • 12 de julio de 2013
    Sometimes my students think a don't know spell... because they are so used to seeing British english.  So here's a quick reference chart on some…
  • 11 de julio de 2013
    Traveling is important! Traveling is a great way to enrich your foreign language, yourself, and to understand people.
  • 9 de julio de 2013
    Do you know how to use each tense?  If you don't, here's a simple helpful guide on how to use each tense.
  • 8 de julio de 2013
    Think positive and keep going!
  • 6 de julio de 2013
    Why english is difficult. After reading this, I understand english language learner's frustrations... sorry! However, this isn't an excuse to stop learning and consistency is…
  • 4 de julio de 2013
    Happy 4th of July to all my fellow Americans, my family and friends! Enjoy the parade, fireworks, delicious food, and being with family and friends!
  • 28 de junio de 2013
    ¡Hoy tenemos nuestro primer 'FIELD DAY' para nuestros alumnos y sus familias! No olviden traer:  Merienda saludable: fruta, sandwiches, etc. Mucha agua ropa ligera, zapatillas…
  • 27 de junio de 2013
    Open house Jornadas de puertas abiertas El próximo 2-3 de julio en horario de 10-14.00 y 17-20.00, para que podáis visitar las instalaciones, conocernos personalmente (los que no…